Year-Long Leadership Program
For more information or to register for the LionHeart Leadership Program contact Paul Werder on our contact page.
What do an Architect, a Mortgage Company President, and a Non-Profit Executive Director have in common?
The short answer is “being surprised.” When people discover who they are at their best and learn to lead from their hearts’ highest intentions, amazing things occur. Three people from a recent group had this to say:
“The Leadership Program was an unexpected positive experience of self-discovery. My internal desire to change brought me to a place of giving up control, listening better, and owning mistakes so that I can learn and improve my approach. This program made me a better person.” David Baker, President Equity Home Mortgage
“My professional growth resulted in encouraging team members who love their jobs to thrive from finding their own answers. The huge bonus is that I am sleeping better, worrying less, and trusting myself more than ever. This program came along at an ideal time for me, though I did not know that at the start.” Trudy Toliver, Executive Director Portland Farmers Market
“My mentor created high expectations for this leadership program and you exceeded them and then some. My confidence and ability to select my own course has unexpectedly grown. I am also seeing myself as a teacher first and architect second, which has allowed me to slow down and think through what’s best for all involved. Your own honesty and commitment to people is amazing.” Jim Riley, Architect and Project Manager Mackenzie.
- What if you could truly learn how 1 + 1 can become 3?
- What if you could “make happen” what you really cared about making happen?
- What if you could do that with more ease and less stress?
The LionHeart Leadership Program delivers on some very big promises:
During our first two days you will see yourself as a leader in an entirely new and empowering way. You will leave these two days with both passion and clarity about what’s possible and who you need to be, to create your next level of truly satisfying results. The surprise is that “who you need to be” is more yourself!
When you find the subtle belief that is compromising your future, and replace it with inspired insight, you will literally feel an infusion of positive energy that transforms your ability to take excellent action. And over the course of our year together you will become more and more capable of rising above those limiting beliefs when and where it matters.
As we continue the journey you will also receive numerous leadership practices to resolve the day to day challenges that impede your success. You will experience improved personal productivity, less stress, a growing ability to collaborate, and a stronger sense of professional confidence.
Who can benefit from this program?
We have discovered that the best groups are small (6-8 people) and have rich diversity. You will find there is a common quest for leadership effectiveness among our participants: senior leadership team members in business, non-profit leaders, key employees, entrepreneurs, solo practitioner professionals, and those in public service. Within a few hours of coming together for the first time, people who wondered if this program was for them, realize “I belong here.”
What is included in this year-long leadership program?
Two Day Intensive Program Launch
- You envision and clarify what you want to accomplish in the form of a Leadership Results Project that clarifies the first half of your intention for the program . Your Results Project focuses on creating a “cooperative advantage” at the team, organization, or business system level depending upon your sphere of influence and where a breakthrough in trust and cooperation will be most valuable. Your project can be an existing high priority strategic initiative or a bold new endeavor that both improves your company performance and stretches you to grow as a leader .
- You resolve your biggest challenge around implementing your project. We respectfully assist you see where you hold back from giving your best contribution and help you “break-through.”
- You experiment with a personalized practice to access your inspiration, inner wisdom, and creativity. You will learn how to use your internal cues (thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations) to refine how you release stress and move into inspired action more quickly.
- You learn how to advocate the value of your project more effectively. In every project, getting buy-in is critical to your ultimate progress. You begin your journey with the clarity of how you can best engage the hearts of others to support your success.
Monthly Facilitated Group Coaching Sessions
Every month, your group meets for a half day to share your progress, develop new leadership skills through powerful learning modules, and get specific coaching to resolve the problems you are struggling with. As a result, you will have many successes to report that will inspire your next round of breakthroughs. At your first monthly meeting you will declare your Leadership Growth Project, which captures the second half of your intention for the program. Your Growth Project focuses on becoming your “Best Self” by building on your existing strengths and systematically closing the gap between “who you are now” and “who you’d be if you were able to be at your best more consistently.” This aspect of our work allows you to accomplish your Results Project with a greater sense of ease and satisfaction.
Monthly Wisdom Group Meetings
Every month between classes, you meet with a subset of your group to practice coaching one another. These meetings help you keep your energy high and provide you with an ideal opportunity for peer learning and camaraderie. Participants find these sessions extremely valuable and often continue meeting as a group after the program comes to an end.
Exercises, Assignments, and Readings
Every month between classes, you are asked to complete your self-assigned homework around advancing your project (both parts) and preparing for the next session. You are also offered reading recommendations that will support the learning modules and enrich your journey.
Leadership Capability Assessment
Towards the end of the course, you assess your leadership capabilities with LionHeart’s comprehensive Leadership Capability Profile. The profile will help you solidify where you are feel competent and what you have mastered. It then becomes another tool you can reference and continue your learning with after the program ends.
You will summarize what you have accomplished and share how your leadership growth will benefit others. Our graduation exercise provides a memorable experience that highlights your transformational achievements and solidifies your intention to be a lifelong learner.
For more information or to register for the LionHeart Leadership Program contact Paul Werder on our contact page.