Can We Help You?
For over 35 years we have challenged business leaders’ status quo with provocative questions such as, “Why not be successful, have fun, stay healthy and have a positive impact all at the same time?” Whether start up leaders, new executives who’ve inherited toxic cultures or industry game changers…it all boils down to the same thing: choosing the inspiration, creativity, and courage in your heart to navigate your toughest challenges.
Our clients want more than success at any cost – they want to flourish. They are ready and willing to embark upon the journey of mastery. It’s hard work that’s worth the effort because it is transformational, practical, and extremely relevant to what matters most today, tomorrow and when it’s all said and done. When you think about it, is there a more important business conversation on your schedule today?
We’ve developed a powerful set of practices, coaching methods, and programs to support your aspirations and address the challenges our clients face every day. If you are ready to leave behind “business as usual” for a flourishing future:
- Review what prior clients have said and accomplished below
- Take a look at the List of Programs and Services we offer
- Give us a Call or Email us to start a conversation about how we can support you in what matters most.
Client Testimonials and Success Stories
Who do we work with? Small businesses, non-profits, and solo entrepreneurs that have one thing in common. They are wonderful people who know a positive work experience is crucial to their overall happiness and well-being….and that allows them to achieve better results with much less stress!
Business Executives:
“LionHeart unlocks people’s ability to do what they had not yet been able to do, allowing the whole organization to grow. If you trust their coaching process, it’s absolutely magical – and will help you get to a place beyond what you thought possible.”
Laura McKinney, CEO Galois Inc.
“LionHeart worked with my telecom company in the 1990s and with CorSource between 2004 –2009. In both instances they developed a company-wide personal accountability system, helped us build a culture committed to continuous process improvement, and worked with my senior team to develop key operational strategies and effective conflict resolution methodologies. They produce results with integrity.”
Rich Pierce, CEO CorSource Technology Group Inc.
“I am confident now. A year ago I didn’t think I could do what was described in the LionHeart capability profile, and now I know I absolutely can. I feel like a new person who’s able to embrace huge opportunities – from teaching a course on “green meetings” at George Washington University to supporting my 18 year old son through his first election when not one of his candidates or initiatives was successful. Regardless of what happens we can always make a difference!”
Nancy Wilson, Owner Meeting Strategies Worldwide
“In addition to all the business improvements and personal changes supported by our relationship with LionHeart, our working environment has become enriched. We’ve developed our ability to speak to one another about what is really going on in the moment. Instead of awkward conversations that are brushed over or avoided, we value open, authentic, face-to-face communication where issues are solved because they are faced and relationships are deepened through mutual support and honesty.”
Mary Roberts, CEO Rejuvenation, Inc
Client Success Stories
We do not take credit for our clients’ successes. We are grateful, however, when our work acts as a catalyst in an organization that is ready to achieve breakthrough results. Here are a few example
Powell’s City of Books
Internet Business Unit Achieves $15 Million/Year Pace in Profitable Sales in Just 36 Months
LionHeart assisted the leadership team of Powell’s Books, the world’s largest used book retailer, to see the growth potential of online sales before any of us knew the possibilities inherent in the internet. Through ongoing facilitation of the task force we developed to pursue an “impossible goal” a new profit center was created.
Hughes Space and Communications
High Technology Margins Dramatically Improved Through Faster Time-to-Delivery
When intense competition began driving down prices for multi-million dollar communications satellite systems, LionHeart’s executive coaching and team development helped a group of 50 skeptical engineers seriously commit to a radically new process. The program team successfully slashed the cycle time for integration and testing by almost 60%, from a best ever 31 weeks to a dramatic 18 weeks.
The Leatherman Tool Group
The Inability to Meet Booming Customer Demand Transformed to 100% of the Production Schedule Achieved
When the company had difficulty meeting its ever increasing master production schedule year after year, LionHeart quickly ignited a strategic planning process, helped reduce inter-departmental conflict, facilitated problem-solving training, and created a spirit of collaboration and accountability. The unified organization was then able to meet the schedule to the owner’s definition, and consistently provide on-time delivery to their customers.
Non-Profit Executives:
“When I took over my responsibilities as a CEO the past two years, I had no idea what level of overhaul would be needed in our organizational culture and customer service. With LionHeart’s help we’ve instituted an organizational excellence system for our staff, professionalized our board functioning and effectively retained only the people who are committed to our vision and the highest standards of excellence. It has not been an easy journey and I am very grateful to have had LionHeart’s help through this transformational process. The change has been dramatic.”
Dr. Kory Ward-Cook, CEO National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
“I woke up in the middle of the night and everything was clear. I’d been trying to fix something that was unsustainable and I had to tell the truth to myself, my board and our staff – regardless. We’re now focusing on the few services we do better than anyone and letting go of the rest. LionHeart sparked radical change that was long overdue and is opening the door to a promising future.”
Eric Brown, Executive Director YWCA of Greater Portland
Managers and Professionals:
“When I finished the LionHeart Leadership Program I knew my path had only begun. I had gained great skills as a coach and leader, but was still spending much of my time responding to my peoples’ challenges that I really wanted them to learn to take care of themselves. I escaped from my predicament of enabling them with solutions to the same problems over and over again, when Paul and I designed an in-house version of the leadership program for my core leadership team. They were skeptical to be sure, but within the first 3 months we had full buy-in and they were beginning to establish and experience the direct connection between the leadership mastery work we were doing and the metrics they were already accountable for. They were just beginning to feel these results but I could sure feel them. We had our best month in the past 3 years and the surprise was that it hadn’t felt crazy busy as would be expected. I am excited about how committed my team is to their own development and our collective future. Beyond that, I am now able to invest my time in higher leveraged activities that I’ve wanted and needed to engage in but simply did not have the time.”
Bill Peterson, Oregon District Manager, Eagle Home Mortgage
“I led a cross-region, cross-agency group to run several pilot projects to add environmental considerations into Lean Manufacturing practices. Our first pilot company saved over $1,000,000 in time, material, and environmental costs annually. The project’s demands, complexity, and challenging team dynamics would have been very difficult for me to manage without the skills I learned during my LionHeart training – it made all the difference!”
Margit Bantowsky, Washington State Department of Ecology
“Working with Paul and the Mastering Effectiveness Program over the past 2 years has had a monumental impact on my career. He helped me become more successful in business and a happier human being. I have learned to incorporate the essence of the program into my everyday life.”
Alex Bethancourt, Paccess Global Inc.
“After completing this yearlong exploration of how to lead from my heart, I’m struck by the greater clarity I now have at key decision points. I get to what is needed more directly by communicating the right message, with more attention and compassion for the recipient. This is far preferable to my earlier communication model which was abrupt and impatient, waiting for others to ‘get it’”.
Clark Brockman SERA Architects
“I have had the privilege to attend great training in the past and this was truly an excellent retreat. I gained profound insights and grew — like the Grinch’s heart—several sizes bigger. Learning about my inner wisdom is a true gift. The best part for me was the elegant beauty of what we can access, and how we have it in ourselves —the lessons about opening to receive, and listening to our physical pains and following our emotions to the source of wisdom.”
John Klosterman Rejuvenation, Inc.
“This was the best learning experience I have ever had. Others taught me how to improve what I do. This taught me how to improve me. I learned I am enough.”
Pierre LaChance, Director of IT, Kaiser Permanente CHR
“Mastering Effectiveness has become the user manual for my life. When a challenge presents itself, or when I find myself falling into the gap of negativity, hopelessness or worry, the wisdom and lessons of this manual always get me back on track. Both my professional and personal life are in harmony as a result of my success with Mastering Effectiveness. Thank you, LionHeart!”